Jobswiftly…for the Job Seeker

Jobswiftly has simplified the resume-building process, commonly a challenging task that begins with a job seeker asking, “Where do I even begin?”

Let’s begin right here!

Our platform was designed to overcome an ongoing problem. Great candidate! Not so great resume. 
That same jobseeker says, “I’ve submitted my resume to several job postings and haven’t heard back yet. It’s been over a month! Why haven’t I heard back?!”

A Jobseeker rarely has more than a single chance to attract the attention of an employer with a hiring need, or a recruiter that represents a client. It always begins with the resume and hopefully ends with a much better one! Especially if the jobseeker expects to get an interview…or multiple interviews!

Using Jobswiftly, you can easily create your resume using methodologies that experienced recruiters and expert career coaches recommend that will get you noticed...and get you interviewed!

The reality

Your resume is integral in attracting hiring managers and recruiters. You’re competing against other candidates and the clock.

The question

How is your present resume working? Interviews?

The solution

Build your Jobwiftly resume today for a one-time investment of $40.00.

*Ask your recruiter if they have a Jobswiftly subscription. If they do, you could receive our service free!*