• Trusted by thousands of job candidates
  • Used by hundreds of recruiters
  • Fast and easy
  • Fast and easy

Jobswiftly…for the Recruiter

Jobswiftly is designed to help recruiters expedite sendouts/interviews by offering candidates an easy and affordable way to revise or build their resumes. As a result, recruiters provide their clients and hiring managers with straightforward, outcomes-based resumes that are easy to evaluate, and become a key for measuring candidates in the interview process.

Recruiters speak with excellent candidates! However, many candidates have uninspiring resumes. 
Advising a candidate on their resume is generally never fun, and recruiters don’t make money doing it. Recruiters can spend a lot of time with a candidate explaining reasons to revise a resume, especially so that they can submit it to a client/hiring authority. The recruiter expects the candidate will revise the resume accordingly and expedite reasonably quickly. The recruiter is now waiting, relying on a candidate to revise his/her resume…and the clock is ticking for you both.

Simplifying a good resume for a qualified candidate is a game changer! You’ll build trust with your candidates because you’ll improve their chances of being interviewed (getting send-outs), especially in a multi-tiered hiring process where several people are involved in vetting & hiring. You’ll also establish credibility with your clients and hiring authorities by submitting quality resumes that won’t require weeding through any nonsense.

Allow your candidates to help you help them!

An affordable, easy-to-use, resume builder that guides candidates in detailing their skills, accountabilities, and achievements in a resume format that is consistent and proven. It will help your clients achieve their goals too!


  • Save time and money – Minimize conversations that don’t ensure a fee!
  • Increase send-out to placement ratios – jobswiftly resumes will showcase quality candidates
  • Exclusivity – recruiter holds/releases jobswiftly candidate resumes
  • Build credibility with your clients and candidates – Help both achieve their goals!

Expedite Your Next Candidate Interview & Placement!

  • Monthly Investment - $45.00
  • 1 year subscription - $480.00